
NOAH'S ARK - Löwenpaarfigur (100561-leo)
NOAH'S ARK - 2 Schweinchenfiguren (100561-sch)
ALTON - USA Exlusive - "The Great Gobble Wobble" (4020558)
AMBER - "Just Like Us, Our Friendship will grow" (114163)
ANGELA - "Thank You For Helping Me Get My Wings" (706809-ls)
ANGELA - "Thank You For Helping Me Get My Wings" (706809)
ANITA - Syndicated Catalog Exclusive - "You're a Tulip To Treasure" (477915)
APRIL - "I Couldn't Bear To Be Without Ewe" (107062)
APRIL - "I Couldn't Bear To Be Without Ewe" (107062_os)
ASTRA - "Your Spirit Is Gentle As The New Fallen Snow" (4008153)
AUDREY - Syndicated Catalog Exclusive - "The Coldest Days Call For The Warmest Friends" (865109)
BILL and BERNIE - "Preparing For Take-Off" (4016864)
BLAKE - "Every Friend Is A Cherished Gift" (108322)
BRIDGET - "Cherish All Of Life's Friends" (104047)
BRINLEY - "The Happiest Holidays Are Spent With You" (4005875)
BRITTANY - "Our Friendship Is Golden" (4007739)
BROOKLYN - "We're Off To Make Hearts Merry" (4002846)
Calico Kittens - Kitten With Basket - "You're A Friend Fur-Ever" (628018)
Calico Kittens - Kitten With Cat Food Tins Figurine - "For The One I Love" (155489)
CAMEL - "PULL TOY NATIVITY" (904309-def)
CARTER and FRIENDS - "Take Time For Others And Others Will Take Time For You" (706817)
CATHERINE - "Forever Faithful Friends" (4009179)
CHRIS - "A Little Bird Told Me…You're Tweet" (118823)
CLANCY - "What A Doggone Great Team" (4005249)
CLARK - "You're My Hero" (106716)
COLE - "We've Got A Lot To Be Thankful For" (476714)
COW - Nativity Set - "That's What Friends Are For" (651095-Noz)
COW - Nativity Set - "That's What Friends Are For" (651095nw)
COW - Nativity Set - "That's What Friends Are For" (651095-oz)
COW - Nativity Set - "That's What Friends Are For" (651095)
DARWIN - "Scrub A Dub, Pub's In The Tub" (4009180)
DEBRA - "Rain Has Come, Time For Puddle Fun" (4009578)
DIANNE - "Friends Of A Feather" (4016849)
EACH HEART HOLDS A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN - "Angel With Animals" (0000981)
ERICA - "Friends Are Always Pulling For You" (176028)
EVE - "Everyone Needs Someone To Watch Over Them" (706787)
FRANK - "You Make Everyday An Outback Adventure" (4003884)
GAYLE - "Our Friendship's As Sweet As A Fragrant pring Day" (4004810)
HAYDEN Canadian Exclusive - "Searching For Adventure" (4007749)
HENRY - "Celebrating Spring With You" (916420)
HERMAN & RUSTY -2011 Event Figur - "Friends shared everything" (4020594)
JACKSON - "Your Sealed Invitation To Fun" (4008958)
JEN - "Surround Yourself With The Best Things In Life" (4005246)
JESSICA - "A Mother's Heart Is Full Of Love" (155438)
JO and DEE - "A Warm Heart Is A Good Home" (789798E)
JO and DEE - CARLTON CARDS - "A Warm Heart Is A Good Home" (789798)
JO and DEE - CARLTON CARDS - "A Warm Heart Is A Good Home" (789798-st)
JOSIE - "Hogs and Kisses" (4004803)
KATIE - "A Friend Always Knows When You Need A Hug" (950440)
KEIRA - "Ewe Are So Special" (4005244)
Kristen - "Hugs Of Love And Friendship" (141194)
Länderteddie LIAN - CHINA - "Our Friendship Spans Many Miles" (202347)
LEE - "You're A Bear's Best Friend" (272167)
LEWIS - "Though We Must Part, You're Still In My Heart" (4001300)
LONDIE - USA -European Imports Signing - "Come And Get It!" (4020554)
LOREN - "Our Friendship Is Filled With Sweet Surprises" (4007331)
LORI - "Those We Love Should Be Cherished" (476439)
LOUISE - "Friends Were Meant For Times Like These" (104657)
MARIANNE - Abbey Press - "Bearing Tidings Of Joy" (4001550)
MARY ELLEN - "Let The Good Times Roll" (4016850)
MATT and VICKi - "Love Is The Best Thing Two Can Share" (476781)
MEARA - "Lucky Are Those With True Friends" (4007329)
MONIQUE - Canadian Exclusive - "TRUE FRIENDS STAY BY YOUR SIDE" (114126)
MOTHER GOOSE and FRIEND - "Friends of a Feather Flock Together" (154016)
MOTHER GOOSE and FRIEND - "Friends of a Feather Flock Together" (154016-nw)
MY BLUSHING BUNNIES - "Bless This Home" (157775)
Nativity Sheep and Donkey - "PULL TOY NATIVITY" (912867)
NILS - "Near and Deer For Christmas" (617245)
OTTO - "We've Cooked Up A Great Friendship" (846767)
Paul - "Good Friends Warm The Heart With Many Blessing" (466328)
PERRY - "Kindness Is Ist Own Reward" (4012867)
REBECCA - "Let Heaven And Nature Sing" (533912)
RICH - "Always Paws For Holiday Treats" (352721)
ROOSEVELT - "Nothing's Better Than A teddy Bear Hug" (789755I)
ROOSEVELT - "Nothing's Better Than A teddy Bear Hug" (789755)
Rosalind - "Springtime Is The Best Time For New Friends" (114076)
STACI - "Best Friends Give The Warmest Hugs" (4004804)
STEFAN - "You Always Save The Day In A Special Way" (114130)
STELLA - "Touches Of Heaven Can Be Found On Earth" (706795)
SUPT. SKIPPER LARSEN - "I Admire Your Strength And Courage" (112401)
SUSANNAH - "A Warm Heart Hatches The Most Love" (847321)
TANNER - "Friends Of Old Are Dear To Hold" (601624)
TEDDY - "Friends Give You Wings To Fly" (476757)
TESSA - "Peace on Earth" (112412)
VIRGINIA and SAM - "Friends Come In All Shapes And Sizes" (4005245)
WATERBALL JUNE - "Build A Birdhouse When June Is Here,
For All The Pretty Birds So Dear.
To Come And Sing, Sweetly In Your Ear,
Their Songs Of Happyness And Good Cheer." (979198)